Wednesday, June 12, 2013

*Almost* Wordless Wednesday {My Goofball Husband}

(This is what I deal with when trying to get a serious picture of the family...silly husbands! And my sister in law who was taking the pictures didn't even realize he was being goofy!)


  1. Hilarious!! It's usually my KIDS that are making silly faces at the camera!

  2. Ha! That would so be my husband too!

  3. I love it!!! Very cute family!

  4. That's funny! My husband doesn't even smile in pictures. He always looks miserable. lol

    And I have the same dress you're wearing in these pics. I love it - super comfy! :)

  5. even though they don't look all that interested, cute pictures!!! I love the necklace you are wearing - I want one!!!!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24