Sunday, March 17, 2013

17 Weeks {& A St Patrick's Day Message from Shaun!}

17 Weeks, 1 Day- St. Patrick's Day

17 Weeks...and my jeans officially won't button!! I'm wearing them anyway, with the help of rubber bands and long tops. Dresses are my best friends right now...particularly maxi dresses. I think they will get me through the remainder of this pregnancy...or at least until the pants decide to fit better!!
No real new symptoms, though perhaps a little more tired and sore by the end of the day. I still have some nausea that's hanging's mostly around strong perfumes or anytime I drink anything aside from water...even Orange Juice, which is one of my few cravings. I also forgot to mention my other big craving in previous weeks- fried pickles...delicious!! (Though I'm sure extremely unhealthy, so thankfully I still don't have them much!) This week I've been sick again, but I'm certain that has less to do with pregnancy than this crazy Indiana weather!! Rain...snow...never sure what to expect!!
We've done a little more baby shopping, but still really trying to hold off until our ultrasound (another TEN days...will it ever come!?) Shaun and I braved a baby and kids consignment event was the last day, so most things were 50% off! We managed to find a few cloth diapers to get our stash started, and found a few outfits we couldn't pass up as well- a little sister onesie and skirt set that Shaun picked out, and an adorable pair of Gap purple floral overalls. Shaun also found himself a Veggie Tales book which he was pretty thrilled about! (Unfortunately, his clothing size had either been sold out, or they didn't have much to begin with- a problem we seem to run into often--- I suppose ALL 5T boys wear their clothes out quickly, not just my Shaun!). Overall I think we did fairly well!! We'd also gone back to our favorite local thrift store a few days earlier and found 4 swaddling blankets ranging from 50 cents to $1...and all but one were gender neutral!!! I cannot wait to go back once we have confirmation from the ultrasound!! (And just our luck...they're having another 'everything in the store is 50% off' sale just two days after!!)

And because it's St. Patrick's Day, and we so love celebrating...I'll end this post with a St. Patrick's Day message from my favorite little man!!!


  1. What a perfect message from your little man!! It's so nice to hear how he is so involved in helping pick stuff out for new baby, so cute!! Hope your 10 days go by fast!! Wishing you the best on the rest of your pregnancy!! :)

  2. So cute Randi! Happy St. Paddy's Day. Love that bump!

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