Oh what a busy week this has been! Lots going on and lots of pictures to share!
Probably the biggest event of the week was the Colts game! It was mine and Shaun's first ever professional sporting event! If you watched the game, you already know it was a tribute to the troops. Matt actually participated in the halftime show and the opening (pic below), and we were given free tickets for the whole family. They weren't awesome seats, but free is free, right? And the boys had fun!!

Aren't we cute? Mommy and Shaun enjoying the game. (Okay, let's be honest, Mommy didn't have the slightest idea what was going on!!)
We weren't sure how he was going to handle the game, but overall he did pretty well. He covered his ears for a lot of it, and initially wanted to be on the field playing, but not as bad as it could have been. He did keep yelling at everyone to 'shush' though.

Daddy and Shaun at the game...how did I get lucky to have such handsome boys!?

My game outfit...I'm just not a t-shirt girl! Ha! But I think I represented pretty well in my way!

Daddy and Shaun at the game...how did I get lucky to have such handsome boys!?

My game outfit...I'm just not a t-shirt girl! Ha! But I think I represented pretty well in my way!

The other big event of this week was Shaun's first dentist appointment. He'd been complaining of a toothache over the weekend, and we were lucky that they were able to see him right away! He loved the dentist...truly, I've never seen a kid so excited to go! Unfortunately, that's where the good news ends...poor kid needs a LOT of dental work...but more on that later!

Christmas decorations make me happy! Seriously, I don't know how you can look at them ans not be filled with holiday cheer! (And speaking of Dayspring, the pillow and card holder are both from there as well!)

I love getting Victoria's Secret coupons in the mail! Anyone else get these? Every few months or so they send them...one's usually something free and the other for $10 any purchase. I bought this little gift set of one of my favorite scents, and am going to use the bag for the ball...so cute! And only $12. (Plus, with their secret rewards promotion, I got a card worth at LEAST $10 to use later this month! Awesome!)

Shaun is getting much more creative with his Lego creations. This was his 'Lego camping'. See the burnt marshmallow!? How brilliant is my boy?

My hubby's weekend breakfast. Can I just say I HATE making bacon...seriously, hate! But it's my hubby's favorite, so I'm a good wife and make it for him anyway...but seriously, ugh!

Speaking of snow (or lack of), we had some sleet a few days back...Shaun thought it was 'ice snow' and was thrilled! I can't wait to see his reaction to ACTUAL snow!
And that was our busy week!! Don't forget, today is the last day for the Stella & Dot giveaway, and the Melissa & Doug giveaway is still going on as well, so be sure to enter one, or both! Now, I'm off to clean house and get myself ready for the ball tonight!
What a fun week! :)