I can't believe it's Friday again already! Which means its also the last day of Shaun's fall break...I love having him home with me, but honestly, I've not been able to get ANY housework done while he's here, so at least I'll be able to get caught up on that...until he's home from school anyway!! This week has been filled with cleaning (but like I said, you'd never really know!), shopping, doctors and other random silliness.

This week, we made not one but two trips to our local Goodwill stores! (How lucky are we that we have two very close to us?) The mission was to find pants for the little man. He has gotten too tall for his 4T, so we needed to find some 5T. Let me tell you, it's a hard size to find! On day one at the nearest store we found one pair. So the next day I decided to try another in the town over. Again, only one pair. BUT we did make this little discovery, which made the trip worth it for Shaun! He has been wanting a globe for a long while now, and we finally found one! It's older- as in it still has the USSR, and Germany is divided...but he loves it and that's all that matters! I've truly never seen a kid so excited over a globe! Truly unique that boy of mine!!

Though we didn't have such great luck with clothes for Shaun, I found several great finds for myself. This was my absolute favorite! This picture really doesn't do it justice because you can't see all the detail, but it has lace and is nice and flowy and just super pretty, and comfortable! I also thought it looked great with my boots! Actually, this whole outfit is a combination of Goodwill/Plato's Closet finds! Total cost for the whole thing (including Banana Republic skinny jeans!)- $18!! Not too shabby, right? Who says you can't dress well for cheap, and shop second hand at that?
Along with this lovely top, I also found a cute Mark dress (on sale!), Fossil top (also on sale), and brand new Express and Target button up tops... Do all Goodwill stores get Target leftovers? I'd never noticed at any other stores I'd been to, but BOTH of these stores have a TON of brand new Target clothes, toys, decor, etc that was on clearance and didn't sell...pretty awesome if you ask me! I could have bought a ton more, but I limited myself!!! This time!
In case you haven't noticed by me new blog design, I love chevron. A lot. I also love Dayspring (as you will see in pictures below!), so imagine my happiness when I got an e-mail announcing Dayspring's new line JOYN featuring this gorgeous bag! I am in LOVE! (As a bonus, this collection is currently buy one, get one half off!!) This bag may be making its way into my closet in the near future!

I haven't done a 'Mailbox Monday' in a long while because, well honestly, I haven't been getting nearly as many mailbox freebies as I had in the past, but I still get some great ones on occasion...like this FREE detergent from Purex insiders. Pretty awesome to find on your doorstep, don't you think?
Remember how I've said Shaun is obsessed with Christmas? Well, this week he found his old Santa outfit and decided he needed to wear it. Trouble is, this was from his FIRST Christmas!! He was still able to get in on, but it looks much different now! I love this kid and his crazy antics. He also hung a few stockings by the fireplace. He has decided he is skipping Halloween this year, even after telling him that means no candy! He is ready for Christmas!! We will see if he'll actually go trick or treating or not!!

Did any other Dayspring fans catch this awesome deal? Last week they had a flash sale on this scarf for just $10! I'd been eyeing it for awhile, and had even almost bought it a few times, so when I saw the sale I jumped on it! And I'm so glad I did, it's absolutely gorgeous!!

Along with my scarf, I also went ahead and bought this pretty Christmas card holder! (Along with my Christmas cards!!) Now, hopefully we get lots of cards this year;)

And here's the random silliness! Shaun's favorite toys lately have been Mr. and Mrs Potato head. So, he decided we needed to be Mommy and Shaun Potato Head and get Potato Head kisses... I love this boy! And in case you couldn't tell, he's wearing his angry eyes too...aren't we cute!?
If you'd like to follow me on InstaGram, you can find me here.
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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24