Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Our Family Photos 2012 {By....ME!?}

Our Family Photos 2012 {By....ME!?}
A few months back I came to the realization that our last family pictures had been taken over two years ago, shortly before Matt left for his most recent deployment. Of course, we'd had a few snapshots taken here and there- when he returned home, recruiting school graduation, Christmas- but I …

Monday, October 29, 2012

Amazing Stella & Dot Review

Amazing Stella & Dot Review
I usually try to only post once a day, really, I do...but I am super excited to bring you today's review and giveaway as part of my 2012 Holiday Gift Guide that I just couldn't wait any longer! (Plus, I wanted to make sure to give you at least a few days to take advantage of the Breast Can…

How I Met Your Father {Show & Tell Monday}

How I Met Your Father {Show & Tell Monday}
This week's topic for Show & Tell Monday, 'How I Met Your Father' was too fun not to join again! Funny thing is, we spent our weekend rewatching How I Met Your Mother on Netflix...Ha! 1. Tell us about how and when you met your love and what attracted you most to him. I'm sure I…

Friday, October 26, 2012

Life Via Instagram {10/19-10/26}

Life Via Instagram {10/19-10/26}
I may or may not have gone just a little picture crazy this week. It was a pretty great week: Well, I figure it's best to start off with the cutest picture of the week! How handsome is my little man!? He thinks so too, after having mommy spike his hair, he couldn't wait to go to school and…

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tips for Successful Secondhand Shopping!

Tips for Successful Secondhand Shopping!
As I've mentioned many times before, I am an avid thrift shopper. If I can get something we need used, rather than paying full price, I usually will!  I like to think that I'm actually pretty good at finding great deals, and often have people asking me how I do it! So today, I wanted to sha…

Monday, October 22, 2012

Show & Tell {All About Shopping}

Show & Tell {All About Shopping}
1. Tell us your favorite stores to shop at. As I've mentioned before, I'm a huge fan of second shopping. Plato's Closet and Goodwill are my go to stores (as long as it's a good Goodwill...we're lucky that both of our local stores have really great stuff!). I don't see the poi…