Friday, September 28, 2012

InstaFriday {9/28}

First of all, let me start this post by saying: Welcome to all my lovely new followers! I'm happy to have you here and I hope you all enjoy my little blog!

Now onto InstaFriday...lots of photos to share today!

What better way to start this post than with some adorable drawings from Shaun!?
The top photo is Mr Potato Head, and the bottom is Percy the Train.
I may be a little biased of course, but I happen to think he's super talented for a 5 year old. We are only recently discovering this little talent, as in the past (okay, and even still now), he tries to force everyone else to write, draw or color for him rather than do it himself. To say he always keeps me guessing would be a complete understatement!

The boy behind the art. My precious Shaun.
How lucky am I that I get to see this sweet face every single day!?

Did you know Saturday is National Coffee Day?
I didn't either until a few days ago, but it's certainly a holiday I could get behind. But I actually took this photo before I knew about that...I decided the K-Cups needed organized. Sadly, I cannot drink the majority of this since it's caffeinated, but I have my own too!

Earlier this week, Shaun came home from school and the first words out of his mouth were, "You need to write ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ." He's often telling me I need to write things, but this was a new one and I had no idea where he was going with it, but once inside he handed me his Thomas book and instructed me to write it again. Once that was done, I was told to write Mr. Spell. Then it made sense! If you've seen Toy Story, I'm sure you understand!!

An outfit from this past week. I was trying something different with a plaid shirt over a maxi dress...not sure if it really worked, but it was comfortable at least! Thoughts?

Last Friday, Shaun came home from school with this book called, 'No, David!' Such the perfect book for Shaun! It's about a little boy who jumps on furniture, makes a lot of messes (and noise), runs outside naked and just generally doesn't listen to his mommy very well...I think it could have seriously been written about my boy! It was a bit of an easy read for him, but he loved it and it's hard to find a book that holds his attention so I'll take it!!

If you've followed for awhile, you've probably seen me mention pumpkin muffins once or twice...or a hundred times. These are my absolute favorite! I may have added more white chocolate than the original recipe called for...but they're muffins, so they're still healthy right? Right...that's what I'll tell myself anyway!!

I know, you were dying for another look at this sweet boy, weren't you?

I decided now was a good a time as any to bring out the Halloween warmers! I love this one. Though I have to be honest, I'm much more looking forward to decorating for Christmas! One holiday at a time though, right?

Have I mentioned my dislike of storms? Well, we had a bit of a hail storm Friday night. It actually didn't last too long, and had apparently weakened by the time it reached us (some places were reporting golf ball size hail!), but the ground was still covered. No damage here, thankfully, but I'm still not a fan!

Last week, I posted about the Starbucks decaf coffee I'd finally found...I finally tried it this week! And it was delicious!! Actually, probably the best K-Cup I've tried so far, even with the caffeine! 

Breakfast Hashbrown Casserole. One side with ham for the boys, the other side meatless for me. It was delicious! And easy! I'll definitely be making this one again!!

 This is a bad picture, but the best I could was nighttime and Shaun was using me as a table. If you can't tell, that's a screwdriver in his hand, and yes he is taking Buzz Lightyear apart! Quite successfully I might add. He has such a curious mind, it's fun to watch him work!

life rearranged


  1. Can you share the recipe for the Breakfast Hashbrown Casserole? I am thinking Breakfast for dinner. mamafeist at yahoo .com

  2. Aww! He is a cutie!! Love all your insta-pics!
    Thanks for dropping by from the Followers to Friends blog hop! Woohoo on co-hosting hehe
    I look forward to seeing you posts! :D

  3. this is a great post! i wish i had instagram dangit..i'm still back in the blackberry crap world lol :D i'm a new follower and loving your blog! come check mine out when you get a chance!

    Sabz @

  4. Your kid is so cute:) I love seeing pictures of other bloggers' daily lives! You've got a really nice blog here!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24