Friday, September 28, 2012

InstaFriday {9/28}

InstaFriday {9/28}
First of all, let me start this post by saying: Welcome to all my lovely new followers! I'm happy to have you here and I hope you all enjoy my little blog! Now onto InstaFriday...lots of photos to share today! What better way to start this post than with some adorable drawings from Shaun!? The to…

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Followers To Friends Blog Party!!

Followers To Friends Blog Party!!
This week, I was asked to participate as a co-host in the Followers To Friends Blog Party!! How exciting! If you've never participated in a blog hop before, now's a great time to start. Blog hops are a great way to discover new blogs to read, as well as allowing you to share your blog with …

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday Social {9/23}

Sunday Social {9/23}
1. What is something you have wanted to do but are afraid of? I'm afraid of a lot, so there are a lot of things I'd probably like to do if I weren't afraid to! I think if I had to choose my top choice, I'd say I would love to be a worship leader, or sing professionally in some way. I…

Friday, September 21, 2012

InstaFriday {9/21}

InstaFriday {9/21}
Is it Friday again, already!? Doesn't it seem like time has just been flying by lately!? Oh what a week this has been! To say it got off to a rough start...well, that would be an understatement! See what I mean!? Yes, that is our car being towed away. Sunday afternoon, I decided to do a thorou…

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Lilla Rose Mystery Host {A Sponsor Offer}

Lilla Rose Mystery Host {A Sponsor Offer}
Back in July, I brought you this review and giveaway sponsored by Linda Menke, an independent Lilla Rose consultant. Since bringing you that post, I have continued to use these wonderful products on an almost daily basis...truly so simple (and still cute) for the mom on the go, I wish I could have …

Friday, September 14, 2012

InstaFriday {9/14}

InstaFriday {9/14}
Friday. already? It is just me or has time been flying by lately!? Oh well, here's a little bit of life this week, via Instagram! Brought out the Fall Scentsy scents! (Okay, technically I did that a few weeks ago!) I had forgotten how much I absolutely LOVE this one (Toasted Apple Butter)...and …

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Addiction {A Shabby Apple Coupon}

Addiction {A Shabby Apple Coupon}
I'm sure by now most of you have heard of Shabby Apple...they are all over the blog world! For those that haven't, well, their website says it best: "We started Shabby Apple because we saw a need in women’s fashion that was not being met. A need to make women feel feminine and beautiful…

Friday, September 7, 2012

InstaFriday {9/7}

InstaFriday {9/7}
A little late- but's it's been a busy week! Here's a little bit of what we've been up to lately! (Oh, by the way, remember last time I did this linkup I mentioned that I had an old iPhone with a crappy camera? Well, literally just a day or two later we ended up switching phone servic…