Thursday, October 13, 2011

It's Okay!!

I found this great link-up this morning hosted by Brunch with Amber and A Complete Waste of Makeup and thought it was a great idea! Head on over to join in on the fun!!

Its Ok Thursdays

It's OK:

  • that I want to stay in pjs all day, and my house is a little messy, and even that my blog has been a bit neglected because this cold doesn't seem to want to leave and my energy is just GONE!
  • that I walked my son to the bus yesterday with my pj pants wrong side out, because I was so tired and I don't think anyone noticed anyway!!
  • to buy new clothes for myself every once in awhile because it was long overdue and there was an amazing sale anyway! (5 tops for $40 at American Eagle! That's 5 for the price of 1!!)
  • that I've already started on Christmas shopping...better than waiting until the last minute, right?
  • to let some of the good coupon deals pass me by because we have plenty of health and beauty items to last us until we least that's what I keep telling myself!!!
  • that my husband has to do everything on my iPhone for me (as far as syncing, etc goes) because I'm really not technology challenged- just iPhone!!!
  • if this doesn't make much sense, because well, I'm still super sleepy, and next time will be better!!!


  1. Haha, I started Christmas shopping recently too- some of teh edals were just too good to pass up, and I'm usually always shopping on the last day!

    Feel better!

  2. I have been "window" Christmas shopping! But I plan on ordering somethings this week for the kids! I want it done way before Christmas this year!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24