Saturday, February 26, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday!!!

Scavenger Hunt Sunday!!!
This has been an extremely long week, so I'm really surprised I was actually able to get all these! Between my son being home from school most of the week for tummy troubles and his sleep being even worse than normal (which is never good)- well, let's just say I'm ready for this new wee…

Mirror Redo: Before & After!

Mirror Redo: Before & After!
I am so excited to share my latest redecorating project! I had this great mirror in my guest room that was nice, but not GREAT. It had a bit of a gold tint in it, and well, I'm just not a huge gold fan, so I decided I would repaint it! I went back and forth on colors (even called my mom who was…

Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Addiction! For a Cause!

My Addiction! For a Cause!
I know I have said it before, but I have to say it again- I LOVE LOVE LOVE Scentsy. Truly, addicted is the better word for it. So you can imagine how thrilled I was when I saw the new charity warmer: Yes, that's right, an autism warmer, proceeds going to Autism Speaks!! This debuts next Tuesday,…

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Happy (Sleepy) Wednesday!

Happy (Sleepy) Wednesday!
I am loving that despite my little sleep, I am at least able to function! (Or so I think, if this post sounds a little loopy, I stand corrected.) I'm sure I have mentioned it before, but for those who don't know, my little guy is not a sleeper...up nearly every hour during the night. Crazy!…

Review: 'The Pirate Queen' by Patricia Hickman

Review: 'The Pirate Queen' by Patricia Hickman
For this review, I chose 'The Pirate Queen', a novel by Patricia Hickman. From the Publisher: The envy of all her friends, wife and mother Saphora Warren is the model of southern gentility and accomplishment. She lives in a beautiful Lake Norman home, and has raised three capable adult childr…

Monday, February 21, 2011

Miscellany Monday!

Miscellany Monday!
Oh what a crazy week it's been! So glad it's finally Monday, which means time for: 1. My little guy was out of school all last week for President's Week! And he was not a happy camper! He likes his routine, which of course, means going to school during the week so he had a rough time! Hi…

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday!!

Scavenger Hunt Sunday!!
Joining in again this week for Scavenger Hunt Sunday, click on the picture at the end of the post to join in and/or check out some more shots! Chocolate: I wasn't entirely sure what to do with this one. Normally I don't keep too much chocolate in the house because Shaun likes to eat it and we…

Friday, February 18, 2011

Review: The Promises She Keeps by Erin Healy

Review: The Promises She Keeps by Erin Healy
For my second book review, I chose a work of Christian fiction, 'The Promise She Keeps' by Erin Healy. From The Publisher: It's her destiny to die young. The man who loves her can't live with that. Promise, a talented young vocalist with a terminal illness, is counting on fame to keep …

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Shrimp Po Boys- A Recipe!

Shrimp Po Boys- A Recipe!
When my husband is home, we go out to eat...a lot. It actually drives me crazy at times, because well, I can do nearly a full weeks worth of groceries for about as much as one meal would cost out! Crazy! But anyway, I usually tend to order one of the cheaper things on the menu...partially to balanc…

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesday Love! And more!

Wednesday Love! And more!
It's time once again to link up with Jamie for WILW. This week, of course, I am loving how my wonderful husband spoiled me for Valentine's Day despite being on the other side of the globe. I am so very lucky. These arrived on my doorstep Monday, so pretty! The bear was for Shaun. This was on…

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Verse of the Week- Psalm 139:14

Verse of the Week- Psalm 139:14
What a wonderful verse, I just love it! (Though I think I've said that about every one!)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday!

Scavenger Hunt Sunday!
I saw this on one of my favorite blogs this morning and thought it was a really fun idea! I get so busy with Shaun and cleaning and everything else, that I feel like I haven't gotten to practice with the camera in a VERY long time, and this is a great way to remind myself to get creative. And s…

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Put On a Happy Face!

Put On a Happy Face!
*I do apologize if that title has you singing show tunes the rest of the day...I just couldn't resist.* Anyway, for those who don't know a lot about autism, something important to know is that a lot of people on the spectrum have trouble reading emotions. Shaun doesn't always know when I…