A Modern Day Fairy Tale

Faith. Family. Fiction. Fun.

Shaun's Favorite Things {Instagram Style}

I'm so sorry for being such a blog slacker these past few weeks...I've not been feeling well at all. I'm still not, but wanted to share a few photos do you know I'm still alive and haven't forgotten about my lovely readers!!

Here are a few cute Shaun photos:

Shaun found this worm/caterpillar last week and decided to introduce his trains. He was trying desperately to get him (her?) to play with the trains as well, but no luck there!!

Mario anyone? As you may know by now, Shaun has recently gotten very into Mario...so we decided to get crafty...now, if you ever notice- the crafts I tend to post don't require much detail...I'm really not that talented...but he seemed to be happy with them, so that's all that matters, right?

Shaun told me that these guys were playing Call of Duty. Obviously the child of a Marine!!

And finally, it's Super Shaun Brother. (He even had an S on his hat!)
I think we may need to invest in more overalls and red shirts! And eyeliner for the mustache!!


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